On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 4:34 PM, Trilok Tourani
Post by Trilok TouraniThanks Chris. Any example would be great.
Okay. Got around to dusting off some old code and making sure it
actually, yaknow, works. This is written for Pike 8.1, so you may need
to make some changes for 7.8.
void http_query(Protocols.HTTP.Server.Request r)
write("Request for %s\n",r->not_query);
r->response_and_finish((["data":"You requested:
void sockread(object sock,string data)
write("[%d] Data received: %O\n",hash_value(sock),data);
if (String.trim_all_whites(data)=="quit") {sock->write("Bye!\n");
else sock->write("Uh huh.\n");
void sockgone(object sock)
write("[%d] Disconnected.\n",hash_value(sock));
object mainsock;
void accept(object sock)
mainsock->accept(); //Will return sock, same as the argument.
Dunno why we get it both ways.
write("[%d] New connection from
sock->write("Hello, world!\n");
int main()
//Load up three files...
//1) Certificate chain from the CSA
CERTIFICATE-----%s-----END CERTIFICATE-----%}",array certs);
//2) Our certificate
CERTIFICATE-----%s-----END CERTIFICATE-----",string crt);
certs=({MIME.decode_base64(crt)})+certs; //Ours first, chain following it
//3) Our private key
sscanf(Stdio.read_file("demo.key"),"%*s-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE
KEY-----%s-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",string key);
write("Keys loaded successfully.\n");
object ctx=SSL.Context();
mainsock=SSL.Port(ctx); mainsock->bind(1234,accept,"::");
write("Listening on ports 443 and 1234.\n");
return -1;
This is a dual server - HTTPS and a TLS-enabled telnet-like
connection. For this, I used a certificate that I bought from GoDaddy,
so the authority chain comes from the GoDaddy certificate bundle
(gd_bundle.crt). Using a self-signed cert would also work, and as
Grubba pointed out, Pike is quite capable of generating those.
It's pretty simple, and might even be simpler than I've shown here.
Note the one liner to set up HTTPS hosting... a simple reactive
function to handle requests, and you can completely ignore SSL and
just work with the requests themselves.